Education Process


a) The suitability of the strategy and methods for the purpose.

Lectures delivered by face to face arranged in the form of Units of Events Course (SAP) in each semester, which is running in accordance with the syllabus that has been made previously. SAP includes materials and means of delivery of courses and target to be achieved during one semester. Giving lectures conducted by the method of team teaching, lectures, discussions, seminars, practical and modern methods such as e-learning and ISS (Interactive Skill Station)

b) Conformity with the purpose of learning materials of Subject.

The existence of these changes due to the rapid development of science and technology and the demands of the industry, the curriculum needs to be repeated once every 5 years. This is in accordance with the needs of graduates user markets, the development of science and technology. Feasibility of curriculum is done with input from various parties involved (stakeholders) through activities such as workshops, seminars, workshops or discussions with a growing topic of the moment.

While to anticipate changes in science and technology rapidly, keseuaian materials associated with the content or Contens of each and practicum courses are always adjusted each semester.

c) Efficiency and Productivity.

Optimization of time teaching schedule, and division of labor where each lecturer, parallel classes, was the way to achieve high efficiency. Efficiency and productivity can be seen from the results of teaching-learning process is always done well, without problems and the evaluation made at the end of semester exams. Similarly to the overall learning materials received by the students will be tested at the time of examination graduates.

Efforts are made to achieve these goals include continuing to develop teaching methods, teaching skills training to improve the quality of teaching staff who are supported by teaching management and administration of regular.

d) The structure and range of teaching activities

The process of education in Engineering Program conducted by the Computer Engineering Semester Credit System (SKS), based on the Decree No. Rector of Diponegoro University. 082/SK / PT.09 / 1999. Study load of students, faculty workload and the burden of organizing educational programs stated in the credits. One SKS is a one-time face to face (lecture) terjadual for 50 minutes; a one-time event structured academic activities for 50 minutes; a one-time event independent academic activities for 50 minutes. To the eyes of a single practicum credits equivalent to two hours.

do practical work for two months at the company, industry or lab. While service-learning conducted over 1 month, with CCN debriefing conducted for 1 month. The following implementation schedule of the University calendar. One semester is a unit of time 16 weeks of college activities. This activity does not include quiet activities and exam week. Teaching and learning activities in the education program was conducted in accordance with the academic calendar issued by the University.

e) The use of information technology.

Than in conventional teaching, either through the board or hand-outs with the OHP also with multimedia memafaatkan on information technology is common, namely a PC or notebook with LCD projector, presentation software. To further facilitate the understanding, some professors use the demo programs and simulations, while the facilities SIFT LAN connected to the Internet is used for E-Learning activities, Mailing, Email, Websites and blogs and Cyberinfo FT.

To support the information needs of faculty and students, library Engineering Program Computer Systems provides textbooks and journals Komputernik Systems Engineering in the form of CD-ROM. Website access to international journals ( is always given by the central library Undip periodically, so it is possible to download the material to date.


a) The involvement of students.

In the PBM process, students are always actively prosecuted, either in class or in the lab, professor always gives a chance to ask questions, argue, or discuss simulation, so the atmosphere is not boring lectures and does not create a boring atmosphere. Students are also involved in the capacity as a teaching assistant, which provides tutors to the younger class and as a lab assistant in the laboratory.

Periodically, groups of students also held a HME coordinated courses that are applied, such as Systems Engineering Komputernika, microprocessors, computers, where the participants are students themselves, with such activities would be the role of students in teaching and learning is good enough.

b) Thesis Guidance

One of the conditions to complete the program S1 is writing his thesis (final project). Formulation of this thesis starts from the approved proposals of the supervisor. Engineering Program in Computer Systems, two lecturers will guide students in completing his thesis. This thesis is limited workmanship for one year, and during the period of supervision, the student must consult with the supervisor at least 12 times. Guidance cards used by students as evidence of the existing coaching. If there are students who are not able to finish within a period that the final task of the coordinator will try to find the main obstacles and provide the best solution.

c) Opportunities for students to develop:

1) Knowledge and understanding of specific materials suitable field.

Students can develop their knowledge by organizing training courses organized by students in collaboration with the laboratory environment Engineering Program Computer Systems. Speakers or tutors can be drawn from the faculty, alumni, practitioners, and students who have the final level of relevant expertise. As for the trainees, students come from environments in Engineering Program Computer Systems, a student at the University environment, even from outside the University of Diponegoro.

2) general skills and which can be transferred (transferrable).

Students who are working on final assignment of experts in the field can transfer knowledge through training. Usually the student will be positioned as a tutor or a resource. In addition, the results of student practical work in the laboratory and the final project can be used as a student practicum in the lab module.

3) Understanding and using his own ability.

To understand and utilize their own abilities, senior independently seek opportunities to deepen their knowledge in the campus by contributing to maintain the computer network and internet facilities and create software applications in the SIFT and maintain and develop the network and the applications in Tier University, indicated by the work lecturers Computer Systems (Bp. Ir. Nature, IS, MT) who developed the Academic Information System applications used in Undip, also by Bp. Adian Fatchur R, MT who build computer networks in Undip, and several other applications such as Voip, assisted guidance of his students.

Outside the campus as an Internet cafe owners, mobile counter or computer companies to become one of the activities of its activities, either as permanent workers or labor only part-time in that place. Understanding and utilization of their own abilities can also be extracted from the tasks given appropriate courses that have been taken, such as paper-making tasks, work practices, and implementation of the final task.

4) Ability to learn independently.

The opportunities offered by the company or agency for practical work or internship (Co-Operative), giving students the added value so that he can be positive in developing abilities. By following these activities will provide a confidence increased, so that it can be used as one of the key in achieving success in the face of increasingly tight competition.

In science, Computer Systems Engineering is applied science are currently many opportunities to learn themselves, either through books that many in circulation or through the Internet, such as IT and telecommunications. Students can enrich the knowledge in this way and even apply to get a side job or provide tutoring to other students.

5) Values, Motivation and Attitudes.

Personality development are also applied for the Systems Engineering Program Computer realize that success is not merely because ip high students, but the student’s personality is also one key to success that can not be ignored.

By holding on to the above, the System Engineering Program Computer stressed to the teachers to motivate students to be positive, confident in dealing with all problems that arise in the PBM. The concept of team-work is emphasized. This can be delivered through group tasks or joint research conducted by lecturers and students. It is expected these habits will carry over until they actually dive in the world of work full of challenges.

Assessment of Progress and Success Learning

a) Rules concerning the assessment of progress and completion of a student’s study.

Monitoring study progress is pursued by two evaluation: the first evaluation conducted at the end of the fourth semester. Students are considered pass this first stage of evaluation when they have been collecting 45 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.00. The second phase of evaluation carried out at the end of the eighth semester. Students must pass the second stage of evaluation by collecting a minimum of 100 credits with a GPA of not less than 2.00. Each semester, professors guardian role directing and monitoring student learning success under perwaliannya. If there are problems, lecturers guardian can give direction or solution for students. SIA provides assistance to teachers in monitoring student guardian prone evaluation.

b) Strategies and methods of assessment of student progress and success.

Evaluation of students for a certain course is essentially made each semester based on academic performance and their achievement in the semester, such as by seeing the amount of attendance, midterm results, the implementation of tasks, and end of term exams. Assessment is based on two ways namely (a) assessment of reference points; (b) assessment of reference norms. The value will be given in accordance with the level of student understanding, such as very good (with the letter A; with the number 4), both (AB; 3.5), fairly good (B 3), enough (BC; 2.5), moderate ( C; 2), less (CD; 1.5), very little (D; 1) and failed (E; 0).

c) Determination of Yudisium.

Yudisium graduation is a predicate that is given to a student based on the final assessment indicating the academic achievement levels of educational programs to follow. Determination Yudisium index is based on achievements during the education, ie from 2.00 to 2.75 satisfy the predicate; 2.76 to 3.50 is very satisfactory predicate and from 3.51 to 4.00 predicate cumlaude.

d) The study of student satisfaction

The study of student satisfaction level is good enough that is expressed on the academic transcript from the 3 levels cumlaude, very satisfying, and fulfilling. Various activities undertaken steps to achieve the results mentioned above, such as evaluation of student learning conducted (via polling) can be used as a reflection of student satisfaction of the learning process.

PBM activities, lecturers provide syllabus and Course Events Unit (SAP) and also included goals / targets to be achieved in teaching activities, methods and media used, and references used

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