Semarang, – The student team from Computer Engineering won third place in the 2023 AIoT Essay Competition. The three students are Zeka Emo, Nisrina Azka S., and Finodya Yahdun from the class of 2022 along with Kurniawan Teguh Martono, S.T., M.T. as a supervisor. They have gone through several stages, namely: writing submissions, finalist announcements, final events, and awarding. All stages of the event take place from October 4 to October 28, 2023.

The essay they submitted discussed crop suitability prediction with the title “Development of a Sensor-Based Crop Suitability System with Soil for Precision Agriculture”. In their essay, they explain how planting suitability is predicted using machine learning modeling and sensors to retrieve data in the soil.

One of the team members, Nisrina, shared about the process of writing essays that the first stage they took was developing ideas. Several ideas from each member regarding the use of AIoT in the industrial sector were collected and then discussed again with the supervisor. After the discussion process was complete, they began to develop the idea regarding a system that could provide recommendations for plants that were suitable for the soil to be included in an essay.

“From this writing, we not only developed and planned our ideas, but we learned many new things on this trip,” said Nisrina.

Nisrina also shared her impression after participating in this competition that by participating in this competition her new experience increased. Not only that, in the process of taking part in this competition, Nisrina and the team learned to develop skills in working together, brainstorming and critical thinking.

It is hoped that the achievements achieved by these students will provide inspiration for other students to continue working, developing innovations that are beneficial to society.

“Don’t be afraid to try to take part in the competition,” said Nisrina.

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